Command line usage

kas - setup tool for bitbake based project

usage: kas [-h] [--version] [-d] {build,checkout,for-all-repos,shell,menu} ...

Positional Arguments


Possible choices: build, checkout, for-all-repos, shell, menu

sub command help

Named Arguments

--version show program’s version number and exit
-d, --debug

Enable debug logging

Default: False



Checks out all necessary repositories and builds using bitbake as specified in the configuration file.

kas build [-h] [--skip SKIP] [--force-checkout] [--update] [--target TARGET]
          [-c TASK]
          [config] [extra_bitbake_args ...]

Positional Arguments

config Config file, using .config.yaml if none is specified and using the current directory as repository anchor
 Extra arguments to pass to bitbake (typically requires separation via ‘–‘)

Named Arguments


Skip build steps

Default: []


Always checkout the desired refspec of each repository, discarding any local changes

Default: False


Pull new upstream changes to the desired refspec even if it is already checked out locally

Default: False

--target Select target to build
-c, --cmd, --task
 Select which task should be executed


Checks out all necessary repositories and sets up the build directory as specified in the configuration file.

kas checkout [-h] [--skip SKIP] [--force-checkout] [--update] [config]

Positional Arguments

config Config file, using .config.yaml if none is specified and using the current directory as repository anchor

Named Arguments


Skip build steps

Default: []


Always checkout the desired refspec of each repository, discarding any local changes

Default: False


Pull new upstream changes to the desired refspec even if it is already checked out locally

Default: False


Runs a specified command in all checked out repositories.

kas for-all-repos [-h] [--skip SKIP] [--force-checkout] [--update]
                  [config] command

Positional Arguments

config Config file, using .config.yaml if none is specified and using the current directory as repository anchor
command Command to be executed as a string.

Named Arguments


Skip build steps

Default: []


Always checkout the desired refspec of each repository, discarding any local changes

Default: False


Pull new upstream changes to the desired refspec even if it is already checked out locally

Default: False


Run a shell in the build environment.

kas shell [-h] [--skip SKIP] [--force-checkout] [--update] [-k] [-c COMMAND]

Positional Arguments

config Config file, using .config.yaml if none is specified and using the current directory as repository anchor

Named Arguments


Skip build steps

Default: []


Always checkout the desired refspec of each repository, discarding any local changes

Default: False


Pull new upstream changes to the desired refspec even if it is already checked out locally

Default: False

-k, --keep-config-unchanged

Skip steps that change the configuration

Default: False

-c, --command

Run command

Default: “”

-E, --preserve-env

Keep current user enviornment block

Default: False

Environment variables

Environment variables Description
KAS_WORK_DIR The path of the kas work directory, current work directory is the default.
KAS_BUILD_DIR The path build directory, ${KAS_WORK_DIR}/build is the default.
KAS_REPO_REF_DIR The path to the repository reference directory. Repositories in this directory are used as references when cloning. In order for kas to find those repositories, they have to be named in a specific way. The repo URLs are translated like this: “” resolves to the name “”.
KAS_DISTRO KAS_MACHINE KAS_TARGET KAS_TASK This overwrites the respective setting in the configuration file.
KAS_PREMIRRORS Specifies alternatives for repo URLs. Just like bitbake PREMIRRORS, this variable consists of new-line separated entries. Each entry defines a regular expression to match a URL and, space-separated, its replacement. E.g.: “http://.*
SSH_PRIVATE_KEY Variable containing the private key that should be added to an internal ssh-agent. This key cannot be password protected. This setting is useful for CI build servers. On desktop machines, an ssh-agent running outside the kas environment is more useful.
SSH_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE Path to the private key file that should be added to an internal ssh-agent. This key cannot be password protected. This setting is useful for CI build servers. On desktop machines, an ssh-agent running outside the kas environment is more useful.
SSH_AUTH_SOCK SSH authentication socket. Used for cloning over SSH (alternative to SSH_PRIVATE_KEY or SSH_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE).
DL_DIR SSTATE_DIR TMPDIR Environment variables that are transferred to the bitbake environment.
http_proxy https_proxy ftp_proxy no_proxy These variables define the proxy configuration bitbake should use.
GIT_PROXY_COMMAND NO_PROXY Set proxy for native git fetches. NO_PROXY is evaluated by OpenEmbedded’s oe-git-proxy script.
SHELL The shell to start when using the shell plugin.
TERM The terminal options used in the shell plugin.
AWS_CONFIG_FILE AWS_SHARED_CREDENTIALS_FILE Path to the awscli configuration and credentials file that are copied to the kas home dir.
GIT_CREDENTIAL_HELPER Allows to set the git credential helper in the .gitconfig of the kas user.